At Next Level Church in Matthews, North Carolina, Pastor Todd Hahn encouraged guests and member to bring laptops and pull out their iPhones and Blackberrys to Twitter through the service.
The picture on the right shows Scarlett Hollingsworth using her Blackberry to Tweet as her daughter Jillian Hollingsworth, 10, texts on her own cell phone during Sunday's Easter service.
An article from the Charlotte Observor titled "The church that tweets together...", tells about a photographer Kristen Hinson -- who is 24 years old -- who "felt liberated by the Easter message – and her ability to pass it along via cell phone. 'I love Next Level Church,' she Twittered. 'The resurrection is like a sales receipt from God, a guarantee of what's to come!!!'”
Other Twitter messages from Next Level Church on Easter:
melissajackson3: Awesome foo fighters song to start the service at nextlevel.
imkay: Nothing u do 4 the lord is in vain.
desimae: I remember the day when Easter meant dressing up against my will and being bored for three hours at church …thanks, nextlevel for change!
psalm46: Resurrection is real; … He is still raising us day by day from this level on to the nextlevel, higher up and further in.
renwicks_lady: Getting ready for Nextlevel church, getting my texting thumbs stretched and ready to go!!!!
charburns: nextlevel had awesome music today and yes i am twittering in church.
Next Level Church is described as "a rock 'n' roll-style church" with a Creative Team of twentysomethings who wanted to do something "special" for Easter.
Image via CrunchBase
"With so many old and new churches competing for young people, some like Next Level are trying to stand out by embracing the latest technology: Web sites, blogs, and now Twitter."
A 44 year old member added, "If you don't jump on the new technology, you're going to lose opportunities.... We use it for work and for life. Why not church?”

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