From Congregations Prepare for Flu Anxiety This Weekend by Jacqueline L. Salmon
Image by SnoShuu via Flickr
In the Washington area, the Arlington diocese recommends Communion wine not be served in a common cup.
[In] Austin, Texas, where more than two dozen cases infections have been confirmed, [the Bishiop] has asked priests not to offer Communion wine at Mass.
University United Methodist Church in San Antonio has ordered individually wrapped Communion elements for this Sunday.Churches should consider suspending the "sign of peace"--a customary handshake exchanged during the Mass, substituting a bow or other gesture instead.
The archdiocese of Washington D.C. recommends that churches have hand sanitizer available for lay ministers who distribute communion wafers and wine.
Also - an interesting story from a local ABC news station shows how a Roman Catholic Church in Fresno, California, is changing their practices as a precaution.
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