I've had a lot of things to think about -- and such little time to reflect on it all.
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A leisurely summer has proven elusive this year.
A scattering of commitments both personal and professional have me traveling here and there, going from one meeting to another, bouncing from book to website to article and back to book, with writing accomplished for several venues -- but not here.
I'm caught between thoughts, between commitments, between considerations of various sorts (just turn on the evening news any day from the past several weeks), and it looks like it will be another month or so before I can get back into the swing of fully committed, sustained thinking.
Ah well.
Now I see the growing attraction of Twitter. 140 characters. Once a day or so. Everybody's happy.
As for the rest of the season, I am looking forward to a course I am leading looking at church, religion, and social change at PSR in Berkeley that is only days away. I'll then attend the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association in August. I'll also attend the Association for the Sociology of Religion meetings.
And I've signed up for a conference in September featuring
the great theologian Jurgen Moltmann. His theology is particularly attuned to the vast currents of social change that occurred in the 20th Century.
After all that, the coming Fall should find me with a few more experiences, a few projects behind me, and a few more hours to spare for the projects before me (kids will be in school) so as to allow some uninterrupted moments to work out a few thoughts.